오늘은 추가로 한식 문화를 널리 전하기 위해서 한국관광공사의 영어 버전 한국 음식 김치 비빔밥 그리고 궁중음식을 많이 소개하는데 그중에서 김치와 관련한 영어 버전 소개글 퍼 나르기를 진행합니다. 오늘은 외국인들에게 김치를 알리고 있는 곳을 소개하고 혹시나 외국인들이 찾을 때 우리는 쏠라 쏠라 영어로 해야 하는데 영어를 알아도 우리는 문법에 강하므로 말보다는 글로 찾아서 주셔야 하는데 블로그로 퍼 나르는 캠페인을 같이 하고자 합니다.
한국사람은 김치 없이는 못사는 블로거는 한국 전통을 퍼 날라야 합니다. 그래서 김치소개글이 있는 곳을 찾아 영어원문으로 같이 공유하여 드립니다. 출처는 한국관광공사 사이트입니다. 우리 블로거들이 해야 될 일중에 하나는 이런 것을 퍼 날라야 진정한 애국하는 블로거가 아니겠습니까?~~
김치 종류를 크게 대표김치로 정리해서 소개하고 먹는 곳도 소개를 하고 있습니다. 19년도 업데이트 된 자료이므로 참고하시면 되겠습니다. 김치 김장 담글때 양념 비율등에 대해 궁금하신 분들은 아래 글을 참고 바랍니다.
1. 여름 겨울 절임배추 10 20 40 100 포기 김장방법(How to make Korean traditional cabbage) & 소금물 농도 (1:6)
여름 겨울 절임배추 10 20 40 100포기 김장방법(How to make Korean traditional cabbage) & 소금물 농도 (1:6)
일전에 올린 강원도 고랭지 절임배추 100포기 김장을 해보고 나서 여름 김장 10포기는 아무것도 아닌 것처럼 느껴졌는데요 10포기도 김장은 김장이었습니다. 여름 김장이라서 그냥 편하고 쉽게
2. 강원도 고냉지 배추 vs 해남절임 배추 100 포기 김장 김치 맛있게 담그는 방법 (양념비율, 소금농도비율 )
강원도 고냉지 배추 vs 해남절임 배추 100포기 김장 김치 맛있게 담그는 방법 (양념비율, 소금농도
이 글은 작년 100포기 김장했던 글을 다시 수정해서 이동해서 다시 업로드하는 글입니다. 3인 가족 기준으로 100포기를 보통 하는데요 남으면 다른 가족들과 나눠서 먹기 때문에 보통 10월 말에 강
김치종류 영어표현 - 김치역사, 영양가, 김치종류
Kimchi, a fermented vegetable dish, accompanies almost every meal served in Korea. There are many variations in recipes and forms, using different vegetables such as cabbage, radish, and cucumber. The health benefits of kimchi have been scientifically proven, increasing the global interest in this Korean food.
◼️Origin of Kimchi
Kimchi was created as a way to preserve vegetables for the winter months. What started as cabbage simply pickled in salty brine slowly transformed into the kimchi we know today, through the addition of various spices and seasonings such as hot pepper powder.
◼️ Nutritional Value of Kimchi
Kimchi is high in nutritional value and has many health benefits, earning it a spot as one of the top five healthiest foods in the world according to American health magazine “Health.” Thanks to the fermentation process, kimchi contains lactic acid bacteria, a bacterium that helps with digestion and combats harmful bacteria. Kimchi also boosts the immune system and helps prevent the growth of cancer.
◼️Types of Kimchi
Regions, temperatures and other environmental conditions have led to the creation of more than 100 different types of kimchi. The most common types of kimchi served are baechu kimchi, kkakdugi, and namakkimchi.
1. Baechu kimchi
The most popular kimchi enjoyed by most Koreans, it is made with a whole, uncut salted cabbage mixed with Korean chili powder, garlic, fish sauce and other spices, which is then left to ferment.
2. Kkakdugi: Diced Radish Kimchi
The basic ingredients used for creating this kimchi are similar to those used to make baechu kimchi, with the exception of using radish instead of cabbage.
3. Nabak kimchi: Water Kimchi
This is a less spicy version of kimchi with both cabbages and radishes. Using a great deal of kimchi stock, it tastes sweeter than other types of kimchi due to the addition of sliced fruits such as apple and pear.
4. Yeolmu kimchi: Young Summer Radish Kimchi
Yeolmu kimchi is prepared and eaten in summer when cabbages are not yet ready for harvest. This kimchi is made using young summer radishes, mixed with Korean chili powder, green onions, and chives, giving it a unique aroma and taste.
5. Oi sobagi: Cucumber Kimchi
This kimchi is preferred during spring and summer days, as the crunchy textur
김치 구매하는 곳 Where to buy
Kimchi is available in a variety of types and packaging sizes at convenience stores and supermarkets. For the convenience of visitors and travelers coming to Korea, duty free shops located in major international airports and seaports also have airtight sealed kimchi products available.
그리고 채식를 드시는 분(채식주의)들이 요즘 꽤 많이 증가해서 일전에 외국인들 가족이나 친구들이 와서 한국 탐방하는 프로그램이 있었는데요 그런 분들을 위해서 아래도 추천을 하고 있는데요 대부분 한식으로 추천을 하고 있는데 요즘은 다들 퓨전형 태나 모두 검색해서 알아보시고 오시는 경우가 많아서 인터넷 강국 한국에서 안될 것이 없다고 보입니다. 나중에 은퇴하면 한국관광지를 추천하고 소개하고 같이 여행하는 것도 재미가 있을 만해서 해보고는 싶네요^^ 영어는 배우면 되고 조금 그래도 소통은 되니깐요~
Recommended vegetarian restaurants in Seoul
Plant serves meals and desserts made without using any eggs, milk, and butter. Plant is not only a popular restaurant among vegetarians, but also recommended among international tourists. Take note that Plant does not have menus for those who are strictly fruitarian.
Address:2F, 117, Bogwang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (서울특별시 용산구 보광로 117)
Directions: Itaewon Station (Seoul Subway Line 6), Exit 4. Walk approx. 5 min.
Operating hours:Monday-Saturday 11:00—22:00 / Friday-Saturday 11:00-22:00 / Closed Sundays
Signature menus:Lentil veggie bowl 12,000 won / Chili cheese fries 9,500 won
Inquiries:+82-2-749-1981 (Korean, English)
Website:www.plantcafeseoul.com(Korean only)
Around Green
Around Green is the hottest vegan restaurant in Mangwon-dong. The restaurant menus fit for vegetarians such as sandwich,rice with tofu topping, and curry. The most popular menu is the black bean steak, made from substitute meat using organic black beans, topped with vegan demi-glace sauce.
Address: 47, Poeun-ro 5-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul (서울특별시 마포구 포은로5길 47)
Directions: Mangwon Station (Seoul Subway Line6), Exit 2. Walk for approx. 15 min.
Operating hours: Monday-Saturday 12:00-21:00 (Break time 15:00-17:00) / Closed Sundays
Signature menus:Black bean steak 13,500 won / Tofu teriyaki meal 13,000 won / Rice with eggplant meal 13,000 won / Soybean cream pasta 11,000 won
Inquiries:+82-2-6080-9797 (Korean, English)
Instagram:@around_green(Korean only)
Slunch is a vegetarian friendly café and a restaurant. Their menu provides ingredient information along with vegetarian classification, allowing any vegetarian to choose the menu conveniently according to their dietary preference. However, Slunch do not have any menu items fit for those who are fruitarian diet.
Address: 38, Wausan-ro 3-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul (서울특별시 마포구 와우산로3길 38)
Directions: Sangsu Station (Seoul Subway Line 6), Exit 3. Walk for approx. 10 min.
Operating hours: 11:00-01:00
Signature menus: Green bean tomato risotto 16,000 won / Mushroom gorgonzola pizza 20,000 won
Inquiries: +82-2-6367-9870 (Korean, English, Japanese)
Website: www.slunch.co.kr (Korean only)
Owned by vegetable grocery store Veggie Food, Osegyehyang has been serving vegetarian food for over 10 years at Insa-dong. The greatest draw of this restaurant is the diverse variety of menus. Oseggyehyang only prepares food using vegetables and therefore do not have any menu items for fruitarians.
Directions:Anguk Station (Seoul Subway Line 3), Exit 6. Walk for approx. 5 min.
Operating hours:11:30-21:00 (Break time: Weekdays 15:30-17:00 / Weekends 16:00-17:00)
Signature menus:Bulgui ssambap (griddle rice wrapped in greens) 12,000 won / Dugaejang jeongsik (vegan soup meal) 10,000 won / Sundubu gangdoenjang bibimbap (bibimbap with soft tofu soybean paste sauce) 10,000 won
Inquiries: +82-2-735-7171 (Korean, English, Chinese)
Website: www.go5.co.kr (Korean)
Loving Hut Caf
Loving Hut Café is part of the international vegetarian chain restaurant Loving Hut. From meals to desserts, the café offers a wide variety of menu that is 100% vegan. A total of 15 cafés are spread throughout Korea, namely in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Daejeon, and Jeonju. More information on branch locations can be found at Loving Hut's official website.
Address (main branch):35, Gaepo-ro 22-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (서울특별시 강남구 개포로22길 35)
Directions: Yangje Station (Seoul Subway Line 3, Shinbundang Line), Exit 5. Take Bus Gangnam 02 and get off at Kookmin Bank Green Park Bus Stop. Walk for approx. 5 min.
Operating hours:11:00-21:00
Signature menus:Tofu steak burger 9,000 won / Vegan pizza 15,000 won / Soy latte 4,000 won
Inquiries:+82-2-576-2158 (Korean, English)
Website:www.lovinghut.kr(Korean, English)
영어로 김치를 알리는 글 퍼나르기를 해 봤는데요 한국인이라면 김치 없이 평생을 살아갈 수가 없는데요 영문으로 된 김치 소개도 한번 알아보시기 바랍니다.